Posted in knitaholic, non-knitting

the queen of procrastination

I am the Queen of Procrastination. I have my own little lazy island where I put things off because I just can’t be bothered. This week, my knitting is suffering as a result.

Typically, I have my weekly square done by Monday. It’s now Wednesday and I’m about…..a third of the way through? It’s also the 8th of the month and I have yet to even cast on to my monthly project. Apparently I think the socks are going to make themselves.

In all fairness, it’s not that I don’t <i>want</i> to knit. I’ve been working a lot at the office and by the time I get home at the end of the day I’m tired and my eyes hurt and I have to make dinner and clean the bathroom and do laundry and the dog ate my homework and etc, etc, etc.

Yeah, I’m not buying it either.

I guess I need some inspiration. Or a good swift kick in the ass. Whichever comes first and requires little effort on my part.